Melbourne Northern Suburbs
Women at Work Painters are professional house painters and commercial painters operating in the Melbourne Northern SUBURBS.
Looking for painters in the Melbourne Northern Suburbs? Women at Work Painters has developed a solid reputation for delivering quality painting services across the Melbourne metropolitan area and has been servicing the Melbourne Northern Suburbs since 1996.
Our painters are experienced and professional and can paint virtually anything from a wall through to large exterior commercial buildings including schools, restaurants, offices and apartment buildings.
We paint both interior and exterior of homes and commercial premises in the Northern suburbs.
We paint in the following Melbourne northern suburbs:
Please click on the suburb below to see more photos and testimonials
- Aberfeldie
- Ascot Vale
- Brunswick
- Coburg
- Essendon
- Flemington
- Kensington
- Moonee Ponds
- Pascoe vale
- Preston
- Strathmore
- Thornbury

We received a 2023 painting award for this fabulous home we painted in Northcote. The front is heritage and the rear has a modern extension. We spent significant time on preparation and particularly washing down the timber cladding that was quite black so we could oil it and preserve the timber. For more information on this project please click here to see our project page.

We received this 2022 painting award for the painting of this beautiful heritage home in Altona. We have included a before and after shot for you. The significant preparation and painting together with the new modern colour scheme have really lifted this home from heavy and dark (see below) to light and airy. We completed substantial preparation including stripping of some paint and oil undercoated alot of the timber prior to painting. For more information on this project please click here to see our project page.

These photos are from a new home we painted in Alphington. We painted both the interior and exterior of the gorgeous building and were awarded Winner of our category for the project by Master Painters Assn in 2018. For more information on this project and others please click here.

This photo is of Brunswick South West Primary School. We painted the older part of the school which was in poor condition and significant preparation was required. We used two different booms to access the high areas and organised for a carpenter to replace rotten timber. We stripped many windows prior to painting. Please click here to see more photos of this and other projects we have completed.

This is a period home we painted in Thornbury. We carried out extensive preparation including pressure washing, electric sanding, filling, gapping and stripping some windows prior to painting.

This is another period home this time in Ascot Vale. Being a weatherboard home we pressure washed, electric sanded, filled and gapped before painting. We aslo used scaffolding here to access the 2nd storey.

This photo is from a stunning home we painted in Brunswick. It is a period home with fabulous ornate features at the front and a modern renovation at the rear.

This photo is from a beautiful home in Moonee Ponds. We painted many of the ceilings and walls throughout and touched up the exterior prior to sale. We paint many rooms and houses like this throughout Melbourne and the northern suburbs.
If you require a quote for painting in Melbourne please call us today on 1300 200 700!
Click here to see our testimonials
Click here to see our portfolio
Melbourne Northern Suburbs Painting Customer Reviews
I am delighted with the results!
“Your painters did a great job transforming my shabby old house, were lovely to have here and I am delighted with the results. Please pass on my thanks. Happy to be a referee but not available for the next 4 months. Appreciated your communication and responsiveness to my needs.”
C. Howell, Preston
Your staff were friendly, accommodating and very professional!
“I’ve recently experienced building and decorating a new house with a major builder and the contrast between your staff and theirs was marked. Your staff made my life easy while they performed their duties professionally and to a high standard. They kept me informed at all times and, as I was living in the house during the project, they made every effort to keep their equipment in one room leaving me free to move around without restriction. Your staff were friendly, accommodating and very professional. I am extremely pleased with the result.”
C. Dick, Brunswick
We felt they really cared!
“The painters were very professional and thorough. They consulted us on certain aspects of the job that needed clarification and this was great as we felt like they really cared about the quality of their work.”
L. Turner, Ascot Vale
If I hear ANYONE say they’re painting, I’ll send them to you!
“Women at Work Painters was outstanding. The work was done by the painters was great and clearly the supervisor had his eye on the whole thing. He showed up when he said he would and did what he said he would- and vacuumed! If I hear ANYONE say they’re painting, I’ll send them to you.”
A. Horabin, Northcote
Extremely happy with the work…!
“We are extremely happy with the work and friendly team. Your staff are very professional in their approach to work. Heath was great managing the team. We have referred others to you. ”
C. Price, Pascoe Vale
Contact Us Now
Call us now for the painter Northern Melbourne suburbs can trust, Women at Work Painters, or complete our online enquiry form above.
- Phone: 1300 200 700 or call Avril direct on 0411 756 709 for a quote.
Free Download
Please download our “Top 15 DIY Painter Mistakes” ebook to ensure you dont make easily made DIY painting mistakes!